At CTS, we recognize the link between scientific research and healthcare and constantly strive to bridge the gap between discovery, validation and final translation of a research idea into clinical use.

The laboratory is an important part of all levels of research since it is the place where all experiments are carried out, therefore in setting up a laboratory it is essential that its design accommodates the ever changing technological fields of research.

The laboratory should be up to date, and be able to blend into new analytical and scientific workflow trends. Such seamless transition will increase productivity and efficiency of the researchers and the organization as a whole.

The CTS team works with the client in designing solutions that meet their specific needs by;

  • Working with the client to determine their specific needs and defining goals and expected outcomes
  • Acquiring necessary and appropriate technologies to meet the screening and diagnostic needs for the facility
  • Provide analytical and technical support at all levels
  • Managing and maintaining the facility to ensure its flexibility for addition of new technologies
  • Determining personnel needs and identify training needs

MCT Products & Services

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